Brevet Physics Semester 1
Introduction -
Generalities4 Topics|1 Quiz
Electric Current and Voltage4 Topics|1 Quiz
Laws of connections4 Topics|1 Quiz
The Oscilloscope4 Topics|1 Quiz
Problem solving Chapter 1 DC voltage4 Topics
Unsolved problems Chapter 1 DC voltage (downloadable pdf)
Resistance4 Topics|1 Quiz
Ohm’s Law for a resistor4 Topics
Using the rheostat4 Topics|1 Quiz
Grouping resistors4 Topics|1 Quiz
Problem solving Chapter 2 Resistors6 Topics
Supplementary problems (downloadable pdf)1 Topic
Try to imagine life without electricity: no internet, no phones, no transportation, no play stations or television, no hair dryers, etc. … We can’t, electricity has become a vital service in our lives.
What do you know about electricity? How can it be controlled or made use of? These are very vast questions and probably one day some of you will be able to answer them, However, for the time being, we step into a new branch of physics: Electricity.
As we take our first baby step into this realm, we need to set the basic vocabulary used and the fundamental laws of electric circuits and designs.
This chapter may be of minor importance concerning official exams; however, it is the basic building block to start our journey in electricity. All chapter and concepts, related to electricity, covered this year or the upcoming ones, are built on the foundations set by this chapter…