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GS Chemistry Semester 1
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Stoichiometric mixtures -
Percentage and solutions
Solving problem
Two exercises (downloadable pdf)
CHEMICAL KINETICSIntroduction to chemical kinetic
Laboratory session
Discussion about laboratory session
Determination of the rate of formation and disappearance
MCQ chapter chemical kinetics1 Quiz
Remarks before problem solving
Solved exercise 1 (video and downloadable pdf)
Solved exercise 2 (video and downloadable pdf)
Additional exercise (downloadable pdf)
KINETIC FACTORSKinetic factors temperature and concentration of reactance and the concept of half life
Kinetic factors surface of contact and catalysts
MCQ chapter kinetic factors1 Quiz
Kinetic factors solved exercise 1 (video and downloadable pdf)
Kinetic factors solved exercise 2 (video and downloadable pdf)
Kinetic factors solved exercise 3 (video and downloadable pdf)
Kinetic factors solved exercise 4 (video and downloadable pdf)
Kinetic factors additional exercise (downloadable pdf)
CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUMIntroduction to chemical equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium and equilibrium constant
Degree of dissociation
MCQ chapter chemical equilibrium1 Quiz
Factors affecting chemical equilibrium (excluded for 2020-2021)
Chemical equilibrium solved exercise 1 (video)
Chemical equilibrium solved exercise 2 (video and downloadable pdf)
Chemical equilibrium solved exercise 3 (video and downloadable pdf)
Additional exercise (downloadable pdf)
STRONG ACID-STRONG BASEIntroduction to Acid - Base
Auto Ionization of Water and pH limitation
Identification of Strong Acid - Strong Base
Strong Acid - Base Titration
MCQ chapter strong acid-strong base1 Quiz
Extra Remarks about Strong acid- Strong base
Solved exercise 1 (video and downloadable pdf)
Solved exercise 2 (video and downloadable pdf)
Solved exercise 3 (video and downloadable pdf)
Additional exercises (downloadable pdf)
Lesson 7 of 40
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